Refund policy

After Sales Information


After sales services may vary depending on the brand and the product that you purchase. Aripi London is a purchasing agent that assists our customers to purchase merchandise from Retailers within our global network to provide them with bespoke luxury shopping experience. We are not responsible for after sale services at Aripi London. Please read the basic after sale services information before purchase.


You may send the goods to the brand’s local luxury stores for repair. However, as some of the products that we sell may only be available overseas, the products may be unable to be repaired at the brand’s local luxury stores if there are no necessary accessories or parts in Hong Kong for repair.


Alternatively, customers may opt for overseas return shipping and send the damaged products at the brand’s overseas head office or send them to domestic luxury repair company for repair. Generally, the costs of repairing at a domestic luxury repair company is lower than repairing at the brand’s overseas head office, depending on the time of purchase and the degree of damage. The time required for repair at a domestic luxury repair company may also be shorter than repairing at the brand’s overseas head office.


We would like to remind you that Aripi London is an import agent that purchases foreign goods on your behalf and is not responsible for after sale services.


Inspection of high-end luxury goods


The products sold in Aripi London are high-end luxury goods purchased overseas which may not be subject to return nor exchange. In order to minimize any errors in shipment and to ensure that the products are undamaged, Aripi London carries out reasonable inspection of the product ordered before shipment. We have also made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors and images of our products that appear at the site or other online platforms. We cannot guarantee that your computer monitor's display of any color will be accurate. Therefore, if the colors and images of the products are different from the colors and images that appear at the site or other online platforms, the products cannot be refunded for such discrepancies.


We do not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you will meet your expectations, or that any errors in our services will be corrected.


Refund of luxury goods


To refund luxury goods are often difficult at the store. As such, you shall make more careful consideration before purchasing high-end luxury goods.